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Breaking Down Barriers to Empower All Patients with Clinical Trial Opportunities.
Quantum Leap Healthcare Collaborative is dedicated to advancing access and diversity in clinical trials, ensuring that innovative treatment options are available to all patients, regardless of their background or location. We recognize that inclusive research is essential to developing effective therapies, and we are committed to building programs that bring clinical trial opportunities closer to underserved communities and diverse populations.

QLHC Commitment to Enhancing Access and Diversity in Clinical Research
Through strategic partnerships, community outreach, and support services, we strive to make clinical research a path that every patient can access. Our current efforts include:
I-SPY Initiatives
Diversity in Discovery
The I-SPY ACCESS Program
Achieving Cancer Clinical Trial Equity Through Socioeconomically Diverse Sites
Trial Matching Initiatives
BreastCancerTrials.org, QLHC’s trial matching service, offers a valuable resource to breast cancer patients and is designed to improve access to clinical trials by making it easier for them to find trials that fit their specific medical needs and circumstances. By breaking down trial criteria and study details into clear, easy to understand language, it gives patients the information they need to make more informed decisions about their participation. Visit our trial matching here
Building Trust and Awareness in Clinical Trials
Diversity and Accessibility Partnership Projects
Our collaborations cover a wide range of organizations focused on diverse patient needs, from general cancer support groups to groups specifically advocating for underserved populations, such as African American, Hispanic, and young survivors. This approach not only creates opportunities for more patients to participate in research but also contributes to the broader mission of making clinical trials more representative, inclusive, and ultimately more effective for all. By making clinical trials more accessible in these familiar settings, BreastCancerTrials.org strives to demystify the process of finding trials and encourages patients to explore options that might otherwise be unknown to them.
Tigerlily: Workforce Diversity and Patient Navigation
This initiative will expose trainees to the real-life challenges that patients of color face in accessing clinical trials, highlighting barriers related to trust, communication, and the availability of culturally competent care. To achieve this, we are partnering with Tigerlily Foundation, a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit women’s health and oncology organization dedicated to empowering young women (15-50) before, during, and after cancer with a to inspire young women to live their best lives, become advocates for change, and work toward a future where cancer no longer defines their destiny.
Tiger Trials: https://clinicaltrials.tigerlilyfoundation.org/trial-match/
We would be delighted to present this combined learning and advocacy experience at your institution, offering trainees a valuable opportunity to gain firsthand insight into the critical role of trust and dialogue in expanding access to clinical research for patients of color. Please reach out to bctrials@quantumleaphealth.org if interested.
Susan G. Komen: Navigation Nation
We are partnering with Susan G. Komen to incorporate a clinical trial navigation section into Komen’s Navigation Nation patient navigation curriculum. This addition aims to expand navigation services specific to clinical trials, empowering patient navigators with the tools and knowledge needed to confidently guide patients through the often complex landscape of clinical trial options. This partnership highlights a shared commitment to making clinical trial navigation more accessible and approachable for patient navigators and, in turn, for the patients they serve.
Services we offer:
Customized work force education and learning for healthcare professionals
Our team has the specialized skill set to develop customized trainings for healthcare professionals in the diversity and accessibility arena. These trainings educate, provide direct related skills, and bring new awareness to those treating patients first hand. Providers will feel more equipped to care for patients of color and prepared for real world challenges these patients face.
Please reach out to bctrials@quantumleaphealth.org if interested.
Sisters Network: 360 Access
Empowering Patients of Color through Personalized Clinical Trial Navigation
We are partnering with Sisters Network, a national Black breast cancer survivorship organization, to improve clinical trial access and support. By creating space for open dialogue and listening to community insights, this partnership aims to build trust, address common challenges, and empower Black breast cancer patients to consider clinical trials as an option for their care. This collaboration is a critical step toward creating an inclusive, supportive environment for clinical trial engagement. This project will also investigate if the engagement strategies developed can serve as a model for other multicultural advocacy groups.
TrIal Matching Navigation
Navigating the Path to Clinical Trial Participation

Access: Ensuring that a wider range of patients can participate in clinical trials, including those who may face barriers such as geographical distance, limited understanding, or lack of awareness about available trials.
Diversity: Ensuring that clinical trials include participants from various backgrounds—such as different races, ethnicities, ages, and socioeconomic status—to better represent the diversity of the real-world population. A diverse participant pool is essential for developing treatments that are effective and safe across all groups.